Become A Volunteer Please Fill Out the Form Below Name(Required) Phone Number(Required)Email(Required) Availability Interests or Skill Sets Willing to Share MessageEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. DEC INDIVIDUAL VOLUNTEER APPLICATION A. Applicant Information Name(Required) Telephone(Required)Address Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email(Required) B. If a volunteer is working with minors or will be driving to perform activities as outlined in the Stewardship Agreement they must fill out the questions below about criminal convictions. All other volunteers may skip Section B.Have you ever been convicted of any crime (felony or misdemeanor)? Yes No Are you currently under charges for any crime? Yes No If you answered "yes" to either of the above questions, please explain in Section F below or attach a separate sheet. None of the above circumstances represents an automatic bar to volunteer for work. Each case is considered and evaluated on individual merits in relation to the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) for which you are applying. C. Emergency ContactName Daytime Telephone NumberD. Are You Under 18 Years of Age? (If yes, a parent or guardian must sign below.) Yes No Date of Birth MM slash DD slash YYYY PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION (Only if Volunteer is under 18 years of age).Print Name SignatureRelationship to Voluntee Date MM slash DD slash YYYY I certify that the answers knowingly made may be on this Volunteer form are correct to the best of my considered cause for termination of volunteer service.Volunteer's SignatureDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Upload DocumentsMax. file size: 100 MB.The Steward initiator must verify the volunteer's identity before signing and submitting this application to the Department. A photocopy of the volunteer's driver license must be attached to this application if the volunteer will be driving a state or personal vehicle to perform activities as outlined in the Stewardship Agreement. E. Stewardship Agreement Name: I Childwold Sno Packers Club Initiated by: (individuals authorized in the Stewardship Agreement) SignatureDate MM slash DD slash YYYY DEC Respective Management Authority or his/her designee SignatureDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Remarks or additional information: Additional information attached Attach File(s) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 100 MB. CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.